Survivor Series One (S1) will span 10 weeks starting on Friday, October 25th.

The events will unlock every Friday morning and stay open for 65 hours until Sunday night (CST). This time window will allow players from all across the Globe to compete. 

The main things to know about S1:
1. FREE TO PLAY S1 events are free to play and receive prizes.
2. NO NEED TO ENTER AN EVENT CODE - The first S1 event will appear in the Events section without the need to enter an event code. This will help facilitate broader participation across all Disc Golf Valley players. Subsequent S1 events will only appear to players who qualified for the next round.
3. DEFAULT BAGS - S1 events will only utilize players' bags, so there will be no Putters, Big Skip, Balanced, etc rounds.


Each week players will attempt to Survive which means: remain above the cut line for that given week. 

Ties will advance to the next round (except for Weeks 9 and 10. See below for tiebreakers).

After Week 1, Global Disc Golf will be using a tool to "push" the next week's event to the top X number of players from the previous week. This is the first time this tool will be used on this scale, so please be patient if the event doesn't appear immediately as expected. Global Disc Golf will do everything possible to make sure all eligible players have the chance to advance when earned. Players will not be able to join an event by entering an event code to avoid someone sneaking into an event they didn't qualify for.


Layout Notes:
- Survivor Series layouts consist of holes from 9 different courses.
- Layouts were generated randomly but only Elite Par ratings of 1100+ were selected.

Global Rankings Notes:
- The Survivor Series Open (Week 1) will count towards Global Rankings as an "Open" event
- The overall Survivor Series will count towards Global Rankings as a "Major" event
- Players' placement in Week 1 will determine their "Open" points
- Players' placement in the last week they survive to will determine their "Major" points

Major Placement Example:
DiscMan finishes the first 4 events in the following places:
Week 1: 623
Week 2: 83
Week 3: 199
Week 4: 283
Because DiscMan didn't finish in the Top 250 in Week 4, he missed the cut and was eliminated. His final position in the Survivor Series will be 283rd despite finishing better than that in both Week 2 and Week 3.