Multiplayer Ratings
Pro Tour Ratings
It's important to understand that there are two separate rating systems and therefore each player has two different ratings. They're based on completely different game modes: Pro Tour and Ranked Multiplayer.
Pro Tour Rating:
Player vs. Course
Average of last 12 PT rounds
Must include a full PT as the most recent 4 rounds
PT ratings only update when you complete all 4 rounds of a single PT
PT Round ratings are based on how difficult the 9-hole layout was (based on gameplay data) and how well you played that layout compared to that difficulty.
An "average par rating" is set for the round, and then each stroke is worth 30 points from there.
Multiplayer Rating:
Player vs. Opponents
Everyone starts their season with 5 placement rounds. If you didn't play the previous season, your rating will start at 500. If you did play the previous season, your 1st game in a new season may be bit higher or lower than 500.
Player ratings goes up/down depending on how they finish compared to the other people on their card. Your score and margin of victory don't matter. It's all about head-to-head win / lose / tie. You can lose shooting a -15 or win shooting +2. It all depends on what your opponents do in the same round.
How many points you gain or lose mostly depends on YOUR rating, but there is some variance depending on your opponents' ratings too.
Approximate Rating Change Expectations:
Your Rating = 400-600: +/- 8 points per win/loss for each head-to-head
Your Rating = 600-800: +/- 4 points per win/loss for each head-to-head
Your Rating = Over 800: +/- 2 points per win/loss for each head-to-head
0 points for a tie whether it's a T1 or a T3.
There may be some variation to these +/- results if you and your opponent(s) start the round with a big difference in ratings at the beginning of the round. Example: if you're rated 950 and you play someone rated 700, you may gain +1 for a win and lose -3 for a loss.
The goal of this MP system is to fairly quickly elevate players to similar competition and then provide incremental changes after that. That's why there's more variance at the lower ratings than the higher ones.
All players can view their ratings and other info at
Your MP rating is only visible within the app if you're in the Top 250 and on the World Rankings list.
Once you achieve a division tier, you won't lose your division badge even if your rating drops lower than that tier. To level up to a higher division, you must hit that threshold (800 for Champion) and maintain a rating above that threshold for 5 straight games.
You're paired against players similar to your MP rating at the beginning of the match not your divisions. It's possible that someone made Champion division, tanked their rating down to 300, and now a Prospect division player is playing a Champion division player.
When you click on a player's profile during a Multiplayer round, the rating you see is their Pro Tour rating, not their Multiplayer rating.