Global League Season 3 (G3) will span 10 weeks starting on Friday, December 15th.
The events will unlock every Friday morning and stay open for 65 hours until Sunday night (CST). This time window will allow players from all across the Globe to compete.
The main things to know about G3:
1. FREE TO PLAY - G3 events are free to play and receive prizes.
2. NO EVENT CODES - G3 events will appear in the Events section without the need to enter an event code. This will help facilitate broader participation across all Disc Golf Valley players.
3. DEFAULT BAGS - G3 events will only utilize players' bags, so there will be no Putters, Big Skip, Balanced, etc rounds.
Layout Notes:
- Wildcard rounds could include holes from all fantasy courses through Northern Breeze and all real world courses through Maple Hill F9.
- Globetrotter rounds will include holes from all fantasy courses through Northern Breeze and ECC and Nokia. Maple Hill F9 (or B9 if it's released mid-season) are not included in Globetrotter rounds.
Players are only allowed to play an Event one (1) time using one (1) DGV account. Any identified instance of a player using multiple accounts in an event may result in disqualification from this season AND from any future GDG events or leagues.
Players must complete all 36 holes of an Event to be eligible for points that week.
Players may play all Event rounds at their own pace, but they must complete the rounds during the announced time window. If a player's rounds are not completed when the Event window locks, they will be ineligible for points that week. (See Rule #2)
Players must refrain from sharing or posting any layout specifics (holes, order, wind conditions, etc.) that don't appear on before an event begins. The intent is for all players to encounter unknown layouts equally unaware.
Players must be on the most recent release version of Disc Golf Valley to participate in the GDG events.
In the case that an Event includes unexpected and/or misconfigured layouts or bag settings, all players must continue with the round. Scores for affected rounds will count towards the week's results as if they were the intended settings.
Global Disc Golf is not owned or operated by Disc Golf Valley, Spinoff Games, or House of Discs and reserves the right to independently manage the rules, participation, and prize winners related to any Global Disc Golf branded event or league.
Technical glitches or issues with the Disc Golf Valley app and/or the UDisc integration will be handled if possible, but Global Disc Golf makes no guarantees that anything can be done if you experience a glitch. Please do your best to ensure you have a secure, up-to-date version of DGV and are on a solid connection when playing GDG League events.
Any unclaimed prizes at the end of the season will be redistributed to the best of GDG's ability.
Any disputes or unforeseen circumstances will be resolved by the Global Disc Golf Club commissioner. Commissioner decisions are final. Send any questions or concerns to
How Scoring Works
Individual Event Scoring
Every player who finishes an event in 500th place or higher will earn points. Points will be awarded using the following formula:
501 - [Player's Placement] = Points
Example: Charlie finishes in 56th place.
501 - 56 = 445 points for the event
If multiple players tie for place, they will all receive the same points for that week.
The integration between UDisc and DGV occasionally drops scores. All players are encouraged to take screenshots of the final scorecard of every G3 round! GDG will correct any dropped scores that can be verified via screenshot. All dropped scores without a screenshot will be counted as Par for that hole.
There will be occasional Bonus Round opportunities throughout the season. The points details for those weeks' Bonus Round(s) will be detailed on that week's page here on
Cumulative Season Scoring
The final season standings will be calculated by adding together all the points a player earns in each of the 10 season events + bonus events
The player with the most cumulative points across all G3 events will be a Global League Champion!
Ties will only be broken when prizes are concerned.
Fewest cumulative strokes over all 40 event rounds (for end-of-season prizes only)
Fewest strokes in the most recent round.
Continued checking each previous round until there is a separator.
Fewest strokes in the most recent hole.
Continued checking each previous hole until there is a separator.
Best screen name.