Top Finisher Icons 

(Top 50)

Top Finisher Discs 

(Top 100)

Legend's Custom Disc

The Legend of the Valley will get to pick the mold and attributes

In-Game Disc Rewards 

(All participants)

Most events will award each player a random distance driver upon completion, but a few events will have special, custom rewards associated with a DGV Legend.

Latitude64 Gift Codes 

(Event Winners & Random)

Event Winners

Top League Finishers at the end of the season

Weekly Random Draw recipients who've completed every hole of the season

And more?!?!?

Global Disc Golf is currently in talks with Latitude64 and Spinoff to possibly provide more real-world prizes for participants and winners as a part of Season 2. Keep an eye out for more announcements about these prizes as the season rolls out!